Applications for Double Degree | December 9 to 16 2024

Applications will be open on the 9 November for Double Degree, an opportunity for Técnico Lisboa Master’s students to strengthen their network of international contacts and receive two diplomas.
What is a double degree?
A double degree allows you to obtain two diplomas: one from Técnico Lisboa and another from a foreign institution where you carry out part of your studies. It allows you to work in countries where this diploma is recognized, as long as you comply with the local regulatory procedures.
What is the application deadline?
From 9 to 16 December 2024.
Who can apply?
Students enrolled in the 2nd cycle of studies (Master’s degree);
Minimum grade point average: 12.50.
Which double degrees are available at Técnico Lisboa?
The list of existing agreements is available on our website and can be consulted by clicking here
How can I apply?
Applications must be submitted through the Connect platform: Outgoing Mobility Double Degrees 2025/2026
For more information and details on the application process: