Applications for the MITH and HMDA Programme

The Mobility and International Cooperation Office (NMCI) informs that it will open at FÉNIX, STUDENT | PARTICIPATE | MOBILITY a period of applications, between 01.02.2021 and 05.02.2021, exclusively for these programs:
EIT Health – MSc Technological Innovation in Health (MTIH), only for Biomedical Engineering students (MEBiom)
EIT Health – MSc Health and Medical Data Analytics (HMDA), only for students of Computer Science and Engineering (MEIC)
Students must place the universities to which they apply in order of priority.
These programs are semesterly and have a mobility semester grant of 5000 euros.
Students applying for these programs and being selected cannot apply for ERASMUS, if they do so, their applications will be canceled.
MTIH is a partnership between IST and the schools: Sorbonne Université, University of Barcelona, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Université Grenoble Alpes, and it’s aimed at training health technology specialists within the EIT Health Technology (EIT) network.
HMDA is a partnership between IST and the schools :Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Université Grenoble Alpes designed to train specialists in health technologies within the EIT network Health.
Candidates must also send the documents listed below (in PDF format) by email, to;
- Letter of motivation, indicating which of the partner universities to which they intend to apply by order of priority;
- Curriculum vitae;
- Degree certificate for students who have not completed the first cycle at IST.