Erasmus+ call for proposals 2023
The International Relations Office (NRI) held on 21th December 2022, a session to disseminate the Erasmus+ Programme Call 2023, in particular the types included in Key Action 2: Partnerships.
The aim of this “Infoday” was to inform the Teachers/Researchers and potential candidates about the context of the programme, updates, simplifications and funding opportunities available in 2023.
The first presentation was made by Ana Pipio, NRI Coordinator, who highlighted the increase of proposals submitted by IST and projects approved under the E+ Programme, with a funding of 31 M€ (except Erasmus Mundus), between 2018 and 2022, resulting in a gain of experience and a higher number of applications.
The objectives and general structure of the Cooperation Partnerships (CP) were presented by Joana Salgueira and the Capacity Building for Higher Education (CBHE) by Natacha Moniz. There was also a brief introduction to the ‘Erasmus Mundus’ Actions, given by Ana Pipio.
This session differed from previous ones, focusing on the practical aspects involved in applying for a project: presentation procedures, technical details, how to present a project, funding mechanisms, work packages, evaluation processes, etc.
NRI was available to guide those who attend regarding the choice of the most suitable typology and the important elements to write a quality proposal adjusted to the objectives of the Programme, as well as to respond to any support needs and to organise information and meetings with HEI and/or Consortium Partners.
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