Follow-up: IV Unite! Dialogue Barcelona 2021
From 29 November to 1 December 2021, the Unite! Project and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – BarcelonaTech (UPC), organised the IV Dialogue Unite! The hybrid Dialogue will offer participants the opportunity to discuss around the various themes and activities developed in Unite!
31 members of the University of Lisbon were in Barcelona, in the scope of the Unite! alliance, in order to discuss paths and vision for the future of European Universities, among which Denise Moura (Director of the International Affairs – AAI) and Joana Salgueira (International Project Manager of the International Relations Office- NRI) for IST.
For the first time, the meeting included an event designed for stakeholders involved in the alliance who could participate in the discussion. The IV Unite! Dialogue Barcelona 2021 included a Branding Event, designed to promote the visibility of the alliance and strengthen its involvement with various stakeholders.
The Branding Event was developed in 5 key areas to show the Alliance’s potential and strength, addressing ethics and technology, impact on the European Higher Education Area, impact on regional innovation ecosystems, leadership in smart technologies and global impact on society.
In addition, the IV Unite! Dialogue Barcelona 2021 hosted regular meetings of Students in Unite! as well as regular meetings of different Task Forces (TF) and Work Packages (WP). Last but not least, the IV Unite! Barcelona 2021 Dialogue was also the host of the constitutional meeting of the Unite! Academic Forum and the launch meeting of the Unite! Innovation Community.
The participants had the opportunity to learn in depth about the purpose of this alliance, the path already travelled and the prospects for the future. They also had the opportunity to meet the various working groups and get to know the various activities of the project.
Stockholm will host the next Dialogue Meeting in March 2022. Until then, the Unite! Alliance will continue to work towards the goal of developing a space of excellence for education, research and innovation.
More information: https://www.unite-university.eu/