Follow up: Dissemination Sessions –Erasmus+ KA2 (Teachers&Researchers)
Between 26 October and 3 November 2022, the International Relations Office (NRI) organised several dissemination sessions, of the Erasmus+ opportunities for Higher Education, in order to promote the participation of Teachers and/or Researchers in the Erasmus+ Programme (2021-2027), more specifically in the key actions KA2 (partnership projects).
Multiple questions and project ideas were addressed in these sessions, leaving the door open for members of IST community to participate in future applications to the Erasmus+ programme, either in cooperation with other European entities/organizations, or through the capacity building of HEIs in countries outside the EU, or even in the possible participation in Erasmus Mundus Actions.
Erasmus+ partnership projects are expected to make a significant contribution to the priorities of the Programme (inclusion and diversity; digitisation; and environment and climate change) , to produce positive and lasting effects for the participating organisations, the policy systems within which these actions are framed, and the organisations and individuals directly or indirectly involved in the activities organised. It is also expected that these projects will give rise to the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices at organisational, local, regional, national or European level.
For more information, including access to the presentation you may visit NRI website or contact us by email: projects.nri@tecnico.ulisboa.pt .