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Outside Europe Agreements

Técnico has to offer you student exchanges in several partner Universities.


The Mobility Regulation stipulates that an exchange, under the Bilateral Agreements and SMILE, will be for one semester, with the possibility of an extension for one more semester. This extension can only occur in the same academic year, with the agreement of both Schools.
It is also possible to do mobilities in different semesters – doing mobility in one semester in SMILE or another Outside Europe exchange agreement and another semester in ERASMUS.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I find the list of partner universities?

Log in, choose Central Applications > Dot Técnico > Protocols.
Select student exchange for a general listing or country for a more focused listing.

How to choose universities?

Curricular Units: Consult the university’s website and check the compatible disciplines, by searching for “syllabus” and the Curricular Units’s content.

University rankings: consult accredited search engines.
Some of these pages are QS Rankings, Times Higher Education, Shanghai Ranking and Webmetrics.

Language Requirements: check on the university’s website, as some classes may be taught in the native language or in English. An IELTS or TOEFL certificate may be required.

Academic calendar: The host university/school where you intend to study may start the exam season at IST.

Costs associated with mobility: accommodation, food, travel, and others.

There are scholarships to support exchanges?

Mobilities outside Europe do not have scholarships like the ERASMUS program.
With this in mind, students in Mobility Programmes outside Europe do not have to present a Study Plan of 30 ECTS to their Mobility Coordinators. This requirement is only valid for students applying for the ERASMUS support grant.

The Santander Bank, through its Foundation, supports students who have been accepted to study for a semester, or two, in a teaching institution located in Latin America and the Caribe geographic zone and that are Técnico Lisboa’s partnters.
For details, regarding past applications, please consult the Open Academy site, for this geographic area.

For other zones, students should apply for scholarships managed by the host universities or countries. Please check their respective websites.


Who assigns the equivalences, validates the equivalence plan, and converts the grades?

The Mobility Coordinator of your course.

How are UC equivalencies obtained?

By filling out a document for this purpose: Final Study Plan (51KB).

How credits are converted into ECTS?

The conversion is based on contact hours and workload, according to the ECTS Grading System, resulting on a conversion factor.
The information on how to convert, according to partner institution, is available here.

How will grades be assigned to the UCs, since the number of subjects done in mobility differs from the number of subjects at IST?

Equivalences can be made:
1 UC mobility = 1 UC Técnico or.
+1 UC mobility = 1 UC Técnico or
+1 UC mobility = +1 UC Técnico
The grade obtained will be the average of the values obtained in the UC.

If I do the mobility in the 1st semester of the 4th year, I can get equivalence to a subject of the 1st semester of the 5th year?

Yes, if your mobility coordinator authorizes it and if the university where you were placed has not adopted the Bologna Process (e.g. Brazil, China, Japan, etc.).

I can do a thesis during my mobility?

Yes, it is possible to do a thesis in mobility, according to Article 13 of the Regulation of Mobility Programmes. For this purpose you will need to have two advisors: one at the Host University that accepts you and another at Técnico.

I intend to change degree after the Mobility Contest. Can I participate?

Yes, but you will have to contact the Mobility Coordinators of the respective degrees and explain your situation, in order to have a smooth transition.

I have been accepted. What is the process after my acceptance by the Host University?

Before going on mobility the student must
Prepare IST initial Study Plan, where the UC to do in mobility and the equivalent UC of IST are listed. This document allows the student to register at IST during the mobility period;
Appoint a proxy with power to represent him in all matters related to the mobility programme in which he is participating.
During the mobility period, changes to the initial study plan will only be accepted with the express permission of the Mobility Coordinator, who will inform the NMPI.

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