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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I check more information regarding mobilities happening in the academic year of 2022/2023 and the updated list with the partner universities where I can do my international mobility period?

General information about international mobility applications for students in any study cycle is available here. The list of partner universities will be shared on this page soon.

Can I only apply to the partner universities available for my degree?

Yes. If there is interest in another university that is not on the list for the course in question, you should ask your mobility coordinator who will contact NMPI to inquire about this possibility.

When are the results of the mobility placements published?

For the January application period, the results will be published in February via e-mail; if the application was submitted in September, the results will be published that same month.

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Is there a possibility not to receive the Erasmus+ grant?

Yes, unfortunately there might not be enough money to allocate Erasmus+ grants to all the students who apply for the mobility, and they will be informed in due time if this happens. The scholarships are awarded according to the seriation, considering the average scores of the applicants.

How and when will I receive the Erasmus+ grant?

Part of the Erasmus+ grant is transferred to the NIB indicated by the student in the process of filling in the documentation to be submitted to the Rectory of the University of Lisbon to make this process official (this happens before the mobility). The transfer happens after the signature of the Erasmus+ contract, this process is done at the Rectory of the University of Lisbon by the student in mobility or by his legal representative.

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What is the Legal Representative?

The legal representative is someone (family or friend) that will be responsible for dealing with any matter related to IST and that will represent the student during his/her absence from Portugal, namely when signing the Erasmus+ contract at the Rectory of the University of Lisbon. This will happen after contact made by NMPI for that purpose.

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On the health declaration it says that I am a grant holder. Do I have a scholarship after all?

Being a grant holder means that you have been selected for mobility and benefit from the Erasmus+ status, a status that allows you not to pay tuition fees at the university where you are doing your mobility, and you can even be a zero scholarship student.

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What is covered by the international health card?

This card only covers assistance in public hospitals in a country of the European Community.

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What is the study plan and what is it for?

The study plan is a document containing the course units that would be taken at IST and their equivalences at the host university. It is an extremely important document, since it will validate the studies taken during the mobility and will allow the student to complete his/her study cycle.

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How many ECTS credits do I have to complete?

The study plan, prepared before the mobility, should contain a proposal from the student to complete a minimum of 30 ECTS per semester. This means that if the mobility takes place during an academic year, the student should make a proposal to the mobility coordinator with a minimum of 60 ECTS.

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I want to make a change to the initial study plan. How should I proceed?

Any change to the initial study plan should be communicated to your mobility coordinator by e-mail and the coordinator’s answer should be sent to the NMPI.

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Who makes the equivalency proposal official?

The equivalences will be given by the mobility coordinator of the student’s degree.

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How do I know that the final grades have been published?

The final grades obtained during the mobility will appear in Fénix. If there is any doubt associated with the grades assigned, you should contact the Undergraduate Center, which is responsible for posting the evaluations of students after their international mobility.

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At the end of the mobility period, which documents do I have to deliver to NMPI?

These documents must be delivered to NMPI:

  • The Declaration of Stay that proves the dates foreseen in the Erasmus+ Contract signed at the Rectory of ULisboa;
  • Student Report (given together with the Erasmus+ Contract);
  • Final Study Plan;
  • Certificate from the Host University with the final grades obtained during the mobility.

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Can I extend my international mobility period?

Yes, as long as the IST mobility coordinator agrees with it. The extension, however, is only possible for students who started the mobility process enrolled to perform one semester only and who intend to perform the following semester also in mobility, having to complete their study plan with at least 30 ECTS more.

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Whose responsibility is the accommodation?

The accommodation is the responsibility of the mobile student. The host university should have information about it available on its web page.

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Until when can I withdraw my application for international mobility?

It is preferable to withdraw before the documents are filled in at the Rectory, at which point the scholarship may still be awarded to another interested student.

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