UNICATION Masterclass: Elevating Higher Education Through Global Collaboration

Técnico Lisboa is hosting an influential event as part of the UNICATION project, aimed at enhancing higher education through innovative practices and international collaboration. This masterclass, a crucial segment of the UNICATION-Work Package 3 (WP3) Training Sessions under the Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) initiative, promises to share invaluable insights and strategies from successful global projects.

The UNICATION project is dedicated to building stronger international collaborations and improving higher education systems worldwide. By offering this masterclass, Técnico Lisboa provides a unique platform for participants to learn from seasoned professionals, apply best practices, and contribute to the overall success and sustainability of the UNICATION project.

Scheduled for the 3rd of July 2024, from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM CET, the masterclass will be conducted via Zoom. Participants can join by pre-registering through the provided link to secure their spot and receive a participation certificate.

The event will feature esteemed speakers, including Ana Moura Santos from Técnico Lisboa, who will discuss the “FOSTWOM” project, an Erasmus+ initiative impacting women in STEM. Dalenda Larifi from Université Côte d’Azur will present the “Movidis” project, which develops international experiences for students through virtual mobility. Imre Felde from Óbuda University will share insights on university-university research and development collaborations.

This masterclass is an excellent opportunity for participants to learn from and connect with experts in international project management and communication. By exchanging best practices and strategies that have proven effective in various global contexts, Técnico Lisboa aims to enhance the quality and impact of educational endeavors worldwide.

The UNICATION project consortium includes prestigious institutions such as Instituto Superior Técnico/University of Lisbon (Portugal), Óbuda University (Hungary), Université Côte d’Azur (France), University of the Philippines, Batangas State University (Philippines), Phnom Penh International University (Cambodia), University of Heng Samrin Thbongkhmum (Cambodia), and the National University of Management (Cambodia).

Técnico Lisboa continues to position itself as a leader in the global educational landscape, fostering partnerships that drive innovation and excellence. This masterclass underscores the university’s commitment to enhancing higher education through collaboration and innovative practices. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a transformative educational initiative and to connect with leading experts and institutions dedicated to improving higher education worldwide.

Pre-register now to secure your spot and join us in this significant event aimed at advancing global higher education through collaboration and innovation.
