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International Relations Office

The International Relations Office (NRI) with the mission of advising, implementing and monitoring Técnico Lisboa’s internationalisation strategy, is a key element for internationalization in Técnico Lisboa’s ecosystem. Working directly with the school boards, NRI supports faculty in international initiatives related to education and training,  and/or transversal to the institution.

NRI acts in four pillars:

  • Strengthen IST’s International Presence
  • Foster New Opportunities and Initiatives
  • Assist Strategic International Projects
  • Enhance self Internationalization.

In particular, and in direct relation with IST Departments and  research centres, NRI is responsible for:

  • Identify and promote innovative projects and new institutional and academic collaborations;
  • Support and liaison for International Degree Mobility Programmes;
  • Identify funding opportunities for academic and/or institutional projects and promote their dissemination at Técnico Lisboa;
  • Prepare institutional project proposals for international funding programmes and ensure their implementation and development; and
  • Support and represent Técnico Lisboa’s participation in International Networks (e.g. CLUSTER, CESAER, MAGALHÃES, TIME).
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