Delegations from the “ULisboa School, Shanghai University” return to Lisbon
The “ULisboa School, Shanghai University” is the Sino-Portuguese school based on the Shanghai campus, founded in September 2022, as a joint initiative between the University of Lisbon (ULisboa) and Shanghai University (SHU). Currently, ULisboa has five schools involved in this project, including Instituto Superior Técnico, actively participating in the three undergraduate courses already underway: Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Electrical and Computer Engineering.
In line with this collaboration, the University of Lisbon hosted two delegations from the ULisboa School, Shanghai University on November 10. One smaller delegation comprised members of Shanghai University’s Board, including the Vice-President of SHU and Director of the ULisboa School, Professor Nie Qing, while a larger delegation included faculty and students from the institution.
On the afternoon of November 10, the delegations visited Técnico, attending a Seminar on Civil Engineering that featured an institutional presentation from both universities. This was conducted by IST’s Vice-President for Research and International Affairs, Professor Fátima Montemor, and Professor Nie Qing representing SHU. The Seminar, moderated by Professor Manuel Duarte Pinheiro, also included presentations from the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environment (DECivil) and CERIS (Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability), delivered by their Presidents, Professor António Pinheiro and Professor Dídia Covas, respectively.
On the morning of the 14th, the delegation comprising professors from the ULisboa School, Shanghai University, teaching in the three courses covered in this initial phase of the project, and two students applying for a doctoral program at Técnico, participated in a workshop organized by DECivil. This workshop involved a tour of DECivil’s laboratories and the Extreme Environments laboratory, led by Chemical Engineering Professor João Canário. The visit to Técnico culminated with a trip to the rooftop of Torre Sul, providing a panoramic 360º view of Lisbon.
The first visit by representatives of the ULisboa School-Shanghai University to Técnico Lisboa took place last September. These visits mark a significant milestone in deepening cooperation between the two institutions, which will soon progress to offer master’s programs, also in Engineering fields.
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