Joint Master Programme in Groundwater and Global Change – Impacts and Adaptation (acronym GroundwatCh)

Joint Master Programme in Groundwater and Global Change – Impacts and Adaptation (acronym GroundwatCh)

Are a student of?

  • Geologic,
  • Hydraulics,
  • Civil,
  • Environmental or agricultural engineering,
  • Geosciences,
  • Environmental sciences,
  • Climate sciences,
  • Geography,
  • Geology,
  • or any other similar subject

Have you decided your masters yet?

Here is an option… GroundwatCH seeks to offer a distinctive curriculum built on the cornerstones of hydro(geo)logy, climatology, impacts and adaptation, within a framework of human pressures, global change and feedbacks, around the following academic focal areas:

  • Hydrogeology;
  • Groundwater data collection, interpretation and modelling;
  • Climate processes and modelling;
  • Groundwater-surface water-climate interactions;
  • Integrated river basin and water resources management;
  • Groundwater and environmental impacts;
  • Groundwater, society and policies;
  • Groundwater in adaptation to global change.

With this curriculum GroundwatCH aims to address the current gaps in higher education with regard to the understanding of the interactions between groundwater, surface water, climate and global change, and how we need to consider and can benefit from these interactions when dealing with adaptation.

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Deadlines for your application:

– 31 May 2020 (outside the EU)

– 30 June 2020 (from the EU)

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Deadlines for Erasmus Mundus Scholarship:

-15 January 2020 for Partner Countries

-15 February 2020 for Programme Countries

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Start date: September 2020

Duration: 24 Months
