Terms of reference: External Quality Evaluation- MatICs project
In the framework of the MathICs Project – “Strengthening Mathematics Education by the use of ICTs in Morocco”, we are looking for an External Evaluator. The main goal of the project is the introduction of the new ICTs in the teaching of mathematics in Morocco, with the aim of modernizing the system of teaching mathematics and thus obtaining greater interest in mathematics from pupils, which should result in a better final qualification of students and a higher success rate. The project is funded in the framework of the Erasmus+ CBHE Programme of the European Union under the Grant agreement number 619501-EPP-1-2020-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JJ and spans over 3 years (15/01/2021-14/01/2024).
The terms of reference are available here.
The applications should be submitted in English by 31/10/2022 to mathics@ual.es.
More information: https://www2.ual.es/MathICs/news/10_Terms-of-Reference-External-Quality-Evaluation-MathICs