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Consortium Linking Universities of Science and Technology for Education and Research

CLUSTER  is a consortium of 12 elite European universities in science and engineering (and architecture) with associate members from around the world. CLUSTER represents a Multi-location European University of Science and Technology with about 3.000 professors, 11.000 academic staff, 14.000 PhD students, and a total of over 140,000 students.

In a world facing unprecedented challenges, engineering, science and technology play a central role. The wellbeing of our society depends on our answers to such challenges, that cannot be founded by a single nation or engineering discipline. Instead, they call for truly international, multi-disciplinary collaboration and a new mind set. It is thus largely in our hands to breed a new generation of engineers with leadership and entrepreneurial skills. CLUSTER is an active platform in the promotion and creation of frameworks aiming to tackle these societal issues.

CLUSTER evolved from being focused only on Engineering Education to be, nowadays, acting on the so-called knowledge triangle comprising Education, Research and Innovation.


CLUSTER is a leading consortium of universities devoted to excellent research-based engineering education, entrepreneurship and industrial co-creation.

CLUSTER is a champion for the proactive development of skills and mindset in engineering education of future professionals, promoting transdisciplinary ecosystems as hubs for excellence in research and education. The multidisciplinary CLUSTER community contributes university-based research toward innovations for the well-being of society and the environment, in collaboration with industry and start-ups. CLUSTER is a proactive advocate of engineering futures for policy decisions, implementation of research programs and frameworks at the regional, national and European level.


CLUSTER universities share a common world view with European members, and associate members and partners around the world, connecting and respecting different societal and multicultural communities and equality. CLUSTER promotes creativity, originality and inspiration in education of future engineers, for finding innovative solutions to global challenges. CLUSTER is committed to ethical, safe and sustainable use of technology, campaigning also for open science.


  • Educating professionals to drive the development of paradigm shifting solutions to future societal challenges for the well-being of society and the global community.
  • Seeding innovation in sustainable use of natural resources and energy conversion and efficiency, combating climate change, providing solutions to health and well-being to create new jobs and prosperity.
  • Conducting visionary, forward looking research targeting the promotion of societal improvement and advancement through responsible use of science and technology.

The mission is implemented by:

  • providing highest quality multidisciplinary agenda in M.Sc. and Ph.D. education by dual degrees and unique opportunities for exchange, research and entrepreneurship, including  collaboration with top Chinese universities within the SEEEP network
  • hosting an agile network for collaborative initiatives for highly competitive and successful funding for joint research and education
  • implementing exchange of best practices for education, administration, campus development, strategy and professional training to support and nurture the continuous renewal of the CLUSTER community
    bringing together university presidents and leadership to enable proactive input to high-level european policy making


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